
Hi I'm Shellie!  

Welcome, it's great to have you! 

My entire life I've been a lover of photography, antiquing and home decor! Well I have been a photographer since my early 20's, and now having been shooting 20+ years, I am craving to branch out to more things I love. Antiques and home decor have always gone hand and hand for me. I love styling my own home over the years, and I have always thought it would be a blast to help others. I'm always out shopping for photoshoots, or my home and feel inspired by all the amazing things I find. For me, I just need one little piece to get my creative juices flowing and then it helps me design a whole area, or even room. I'm sure many more people are exactly the same way, so it makes perfect sense to have a shop with inspiring things!

I truly hope you enjoy my little shop that's in the making and that it's a place for you to come and not only get inspired, but maybe find that perfect piece(s) to complete your home as well.